Our product categories: Yeast, Yeast Nutrients, Antifoam
AEB Group, 50 years involvement in fermentation
One of the main and important phases in Beer production is "Fermentation" in order to have the proper flavor freshness and equilibrium in the beer. Viability and vitality of the yeast may be supported by AEB biotechnological auxiliaries. Organic nutrient to be used during propagation, has demonstrated the capacity to boost the yeast development while protecting the cells against ageing (Fermoplus ® GSH as yeast extract with natural glutathione)(1). Inorganic GMO free activator (Fermocel® SB) can also be added in a more traditional way(2), at the end of boiling or even at the end of fermentation (special beers).
Biotechnology during fermentation can be also expressed by an enzymatic formulation responding to a number
of problematic to be solved (issues to be sorted):
- Haze problem might be simply solved while using fungal amylase (Endozym® Alphamyl SB2) or amyloglucosidase (Endozym® AMG) at the end of fermentation, in order to work on small dextrin chains which will allow to decrease turbidity up to 0,5EBC-ASBC;
- Enzyme formulation to optimize attenuation, up to the limit, for the production of Light Beers, in order to improve the production of alcohol from barley malt and rice (Endozym ® AGP 100) or for barley malt with barley or maize (Endozym ® AGP120)(3);
- Eliminate lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with Lysocid ®, AEB has been the first company to bring results at the European Brewery Convention (Luxembourg, May 2013)(4) since EU regulation has authorized the application of lyzozyme in beer.
AEB technology during fermentation has been also for many years the best solution for:
- Neutralizing foam production with Batfoam ®, improving fermentation tank capacity up to 95%;
- Optimizing yeast recovery yield, with Spindasol ® SB3 (5) without affecting the effectiveness of pitching but making easier the protein colloidal stability.
AEB Group, world leading producer of yeast for the beverage industry, optimistically will also offer soon a number of revolutionary cells for brewers!
(1) Innovative yeast extract as nutrient and natural antioxidant during propagation, ASBC 2010 Rhode Island. (2) Wort fermentation tests on lager beer with a new fermentation aid; ICBD 1996, Porf G. Stewart, Doct. E. Rees. (3) Optimisation of the Enzymatic Preparation for Beer Attenuation; Trends in Brewing 2010 Ghent. (4) Protecting Beer against Lactic Acid Contamination Through the Use of an Exogenous Enzyme: Lysozyme. EBC Luxembourg 2013. (5) Efficient Beer Recovery from Surplus Yeast; EBC Glasgow 2011.Yeast
Zymalager ® | Yeast for bottom fermentation, specially selected for the production of Pils or Lager type of beer.
The sedimentation capacity is excellent, with a production of chracateristic esters, average final gravity
and optimized diacetyl reduction according to temperature. |
Yeast Nutrients
FERMOPLUS® GSH | Activator derived from the extract of a selected yeast strain. Thanks to its high glutathione imput ,it provides all the necessary nutrients for
yeast growth by protecting it against free radicals.
FERMOCEL ® SB | Nutrient / fermentation control addittive. This formulation brings easily
assimilated nitrogen to yeast thus reducing stress. Promotes cell membrane fluidity , faster complex sugars fermentation. |
BATFOAM ® | An effective product, based on a food grade silicone, designed to cope with foaming problems in the beverage industry, for instance during the fermentation. |
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