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Our equipments for your winery

As leader in Oenology, we also offer a range of equipment specially designed for the wine industry to assist you with Flotation, Water treatment,Tartaric Stabilisation, Precision and various cleaning solutions.

Please click on the image to enlarge
e-flot E-Flot 10/50/80Flotation equipment for must

Technical litterature for E-flot ready for download
stabymatic StabyMatic 500/1000 Equipment for Tartaric Stabilisation

Technical litterature for StabyMatic 500 ready for download
Technical litterature for ph-stab ready for download
Technical litterature for Acid + Alca- ready for download
microsafe Microsafe Micro-Macro Equipment provided with one to six delivery points, studied for all those applications not requiring a micro-dosage but where precision should not be sacrificed.

Technical litterature for Microsafe X6 ready for download
Technical litterature for Microsafe O2 ready for download
microsafe Demiplus 50Equipment for water treatment
multifoam inox Multifoam A low pressure foam atomizer, utilised for various cleaning purposes

Technical litterature for Multifoam Inox ready for download